'Our Space’ aims to build a complete picture of the school community: from past pupils, to delivery drivers, from governors to belly dancers! Images and measurements will be collected using a specially constructed photo booth, the ‘Our Space’ card or this website.

Sculptor Will Nash and photographer Anthony Carr, will then turn this information into new artworks, one of which will be installed in the school grounds in March.

Progress will be regularly updated here, and at Will's online sketchbook

Friday, 17 August 2007

Press Coverage

We were delighted to have Adam Mcnaught Davies, editor of East Magazine, visit the school during Photobooth week and have his statistics added to our database.

Coverage and a montage of a few of our participants (including a member of staff in his battle re-enactment armour!) can been seen on the back page of the August edition of the magazine in the “this is where you live” feature.

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