'Our Space’ aims to build a complete picture of the school community: from past pupils, to delivery drivers, from governors to belly dancers! Images and measurements will be collected using a specially constructed photo booth, the ‘Our Space’ card or this website.

Sculptor Will Nash and photographer Anthony Carr, will then turn this information into new artworks, one of which will be installed in the school grounds in March.

Progress will be regularly updated here, and at Will's online sketchbook

Monday, 17 September 2007

More memories of our school

Here are some recollections of the first day at school which have been enterd into the Our Space writing competition.

My First Day at Willingdon Community School
My first day at school was pretty scary,
With so may people I was wary,
With all the big kids,
I was the smallest on the grid,
Some of the teachers were nice,
But others were fiercer and bite,
The traffic jam was so busy,
At the end my hair was so frizzy,

My first day at school was pretty scary,
With so many people I was wary,
Break time now,
Survived the first lessons WOW!!
I felt so small amiss,
The buldings and playground the size of a football pitch,
So happy to meet my friends,
I thought I would never see them again,

My first day at scholl was pretty scary,
With so many people I was wary,
The lesson before lunch,
I was looking forward to my brunch,
The last lesson is nearly over,
The day felt like I just travelled to Dover,
The bell has rand
All I could hear was the door bang
But I still think,

Now I have been here four weeks,
I learnt the classes in the school are so neat,
Even tough they are old,
And have bubble gum underneath!,
But still,

My First Day ay Willingdon Community School

I was really worries that I would get lost but the map at the front of the planner helped. I was scared that I would forget my homework and books.

Excited Heart
Journey thumping
To a new world
Opportunity glad
On my first

Feeling Nervous,
Teenagers shouting,
I was nervous and bit afraid,
Everyone was much bigger than me,
I was inside a mamouth box,
It doesn’t feel quite as big now; but it is still pretty big!
I felt like a tiny ant in a massive place,
I didi nearly get lost on my first day but I made it in the end,
It felt very strange for me to be in another school.
At least I made it thyough the day!

When I first stepped into the school I had mixed emotions running through my mind. I was excited yet scared, uneasy and yet happy. My biggest worry was getting lost and being late for class but the teachers let you off for the first couple of weeks and that’s eough time for new students to settle anyway. Older children were another fear of mine but the are all nice people. By the end of the day I was upset that the day ended but happy t got through it with no problems.

Its large
Its fun
Its wicked
Its cool
Its fabulous
It rocks
It rules
But Willingdon school is absolutely

It’s big
It’s scary
Its older students
Its organisation
iIts getting up early
Its more equipment
Its subject teachers
Its Secondary school

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